Get to know someone who
doesn't come from your social class. Become friends with people who aren't your age. Hang out with people whose culture isn't the same as yours.
This is how you see the world.
This is how you grow!
El mundo
Un hombre del pueblo de Neguá, en la costa de Colombia, pudo subir al alto cielo.
A la vuelta, contó. Dijo que había contemplado, desde allá arriba, la vida humana. Y dijo que somos un mar de fueguitos.
- El mundo es eso - reveló -. Un montón de gente, un mar de fueguitos.
Cada persona brilla con luz propia entre todas las demás. No hay dos fuegos iguales. Hay fuegos grandes y fuegos chicos y fuegos de todos los colores. Hay gente de fuego sereno, que ni se entera del viento, y gente de fuego loco, que llena el aire de chispas. Algunos fuegos, fuegos bobos, no alumbran ni queman; pero otros arden la vida con tantas ganas que no se puede mirarlos sin parpadear, y quien se acerca, se enciende.
El Libro de los Abrazos- Eduardo Galeano
Träume sind was wunderbares:) Sie sind nicht nur da, um geträumt zu werden, sondern jeder sollte an sie glauben:)
Twenty years from now on you will
be more disappointed by the things you did not do, than by the things you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade wind in your
How do you know what is a DREAM if you never
accomplished one.
How do you know what is an ADVENTURE if you never took part in
How do you know what is ANGUISH if you never say goodbye to your family and friends with
your eyes full of tears.
How do you know what is BEING
DESPERATE, if you never arrived in a place alone and could not understand a word of what everyone else is saying.
How do you know what is DIVERSITY if you never lived under the same roof with people from all over the
How do you know what is TOLERANCE, if you never had to get used to something different
even if you didn't like it?
How do you know what is FAMILY
if you never had one that supported you unconditionally?
How do you KNOW THE WORLD, if
you have never been an exchange student?
Why do you go away? So that you can come back.
So that you can see the place you came from
with new eyes and extra colors.
And the people there see you differently, too.
Coming back to where you started
is not the same as never leaving.
"Ein Austauschjahr ist der
seine Flügel zu spannen und anzufangen zu fliegen.
Aber gleichzeitig auch der Moment,
Wurzeln elastisch genug werden zu lassen!"
Believe that everything happens for a reason, and if you get a chance, take
If it changes your life, then let
Nobody said it would be easy, they just promised that it
would be worth it.
"Tu es, sonst wirst du dich ewig
wie anders es hätte sein können."
Träume, was du träumen möchtest,
gehe, wohin du gehen möchtest,
sei, wer du sein möchtest.
Denn du hast nur ein Leben und eine Chance,
die Dinge zu tun, die du tun möchtest.
The world
needs dreamers and
the world
need doens.
But above
the world
needs dreamers who do.
As much as you can.
As far as you
As long as you can.
Life is not ment to be lived in one place.
Twenty years from now on you will be more disappointed by the dings you did not do, than by the things you did so throw off bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade wind in your sails!
"Die Entscheidungen waren nur der Anfang von etwas.
Wenn man einen Entschluss gefasst hatte, dann tauchte man damit in eine gewaltige Strömung, die einen mit sich reißt, zu einem Ort,
den man sich bei dem Entschluss niemals hätte träumen lassen" (Paulo Coelho)
Turn your cant's into can's and your dreams into plans ♥
"Tu es, sonst wirst du dich ewig fragen, wie anders es hätte sein können."
"Wir werden dann nicht mehr die Gleichen sein und irgendwann die Welt mit anderen Augen sehen!"
Fighting for your dreams isn't always easy, but it's so worth it.
You never leave someone behind, you take a part of them with you and leave a part of yourself behind.
Dream it, wish it, do it ♥